Friday, January 29, 2010

WHAT IS YOUR NAME? 2010/1/29

So many have died and I'm still here. Why am I still here? I guess I'm here to teach you how to die with honor. What is my name and what does it mean? What is your name, and what is it's number, for it will tell you your life's path. Everything must change. The young become the old. I am in the declining years of my life. Is there another song to be sung. May I not pass away with a lie on my lips. I'm going to keep asking the question ; what is the meaning of the word Haiti, until someone give me a true answer. What is the meaning of the word "Haiti". For now, at this time Haiti is just another way of saying negre; French,or negro in Spanish. Negro is a Spanish word meaning black. Black is an English word meaning negro; that's how it should be read in a Spanish dictionary. An earthquake in Haiti, and someone said it is the end of the world. Yes' it is the end of the world, but with every ending there is a beginning . What happen to all the dinosaurs. This could be are fate, extinction.
If you want to be black, you will not be seen. Just go and turn off the lights, and you will see what I mean. black is a color. We have turned a color, black into a concept. My skin is brown, not black. Every nation of people have a connection to a Land. The People and the Land, and their name. If you are not in control, and you don't own it. It's not yours. The name was given to you and you claimed it, TOBY. Now; who are you, Alice in Wonderland?
Life is a listen , and mistakes will be made. When something is broken we must fix it. It's time for a new name. Haiti' no more. It's time for a new name Black's no more. What is your name?
Psalms 19:14 Let the words of my month and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in the sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Once you get burned by the fire, you keep your distance. Why would you build your house on fault or on shaky ground. Why would you poison the air and the water's that you have to use? Why would you put things in and on your body that will do you know good.
It's time to take Jesus off of the cross.
It's time to take Jesus off of the cross.
It,s time to take Jesus off of the cross.
Jesus, an Eng. word of New Test. Iesous, ee-ay-sooce: (Jehoshua)
Old Test.- Jehoshua - Yehowsha, ; means Jehovah-saved ; Yehovah saved.
1Sam. 2:35 I will raise up a faithful priest, that shall do according to that which is in mine heart and in my mind; and I will build him a sure house; and he shall walk before mine anointed for ever.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


When I was a little boy, growing up with my mother, and brothers. We use to complain about the summer heat. It would get so hot out side. She would tell us to go out side and play, and we would say, "it's hot out there" and she would say, "it's hot in Haiti too.
I think she was using the word "Haiti" in the place of "HELL" cause she didn't want her children repeating anything bad that might come out of her mouth.
HELL and HAITI' are negative words.
What is the power of a word?
If you call on "Hell" will it come?
Maybe we should out calling the land and it's people a negative, and give them something positive. Save one,save the world.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

HAITI" the word

`ST. John 1-1 In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the was God.

Every thing has a beginning; the sun ,the moon, the stars, a people, a nation, and the language-word, have their beginnings some were in time.
What does the word Haiti mean?
Webster's Dictionary - Haiti, country occupying the W portion of Hispaniola: 10,714 sq. mi. ; pop. ?????? - Haitian : (that's all they will give you).

The ancient name of Haiti

A dialog from Bob Corbett's Haiti list, January-February 1999

Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 11:15:58 -0800 (PST)
From: Robert Corbett
Sender: Robert Corbett
Reply-To: Robert Corbett y Subject: Haiti : the ancient name of Haiti
To: Bob Corbett

Today I was cataloguing a new booklet into my library, called THE ABORIGINES OF THE ANCIENT ISLAND OF HISPANIOLA by Herbert W. Krieger. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1929.

The first sentence is: The island of Hispaniola, anciently known as Haiti to its aboriginal inhabitants, is occupied jointly by the Dominican Republic and the Republic of Haiti.

This struck me as curious. The FACT in question, the ancient name of Haiti, is one that I have known since..... well, a long time. But I never think about it much and I don't think I'd every noticed a sentence like that before. It made me start reflecting.

First there was Haiti. Then the Spanish changed the name to Santo Domingo. Eventually in 1697 there is the formal division of the island into Santo Domingo and Saint-Domingue. The Dominican side has several fluxuations of name over the years, and, as this group knows only too well, on Jan. 1, 1804, Saint-Domingue ceases to exist and modern Haiti is born.

I think every school child in Haiti knows all this, but it seems curious that it is easy to forget that there was a full circle for at least this 1/3 the island of Hispaniola from Haiti to Saint-Domingue and then back to Haiti again.

Just a tidbit for this Superbowl Sunday!

Best, Bob

Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 15:08:42 -0800 (PST)
From: Robert Corbett
Subject: Re: Haiti : the ancient name of Haiti: Bellegarde-Smith clarifies
To: Bob Corbett

From: P D Bellegarde-Smith

Bob: First, there was Ayiti, Quisqueya and Bohio. The Haitians took the first, the Dominican, the second, and thank God, no one took the third! The Spanish first called the three-named island, La Isla Espanola (before Santo Domingo), later mispronounced and known by its diminutive, Hispaniola. On January 1st 1804, Jean-Jacques Dessalines and the victorious insurgents gave the WHOLE island its ancient name, Hayti. At that time, the whole island belonged to France, and the eastern two-thirds remained in French hands. In the 1820s, Dominicans would come to refer to their side as Spanish Hayti. In French encyclopedias and dictionaries, and thus for the entire francophone world, TODAY, there is the island of haiti subdivided into the Republic of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. In the 1930s, I beleive, at the urging of the Dominican government, the geographic board that decide on these matters, renamed or named the whole island Hispaniola. In Haiti, this was seen as a victory for Dominican diplomacy. In Haiti, we refer to the country next door as Dominicanie.


Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1999 07:51:08 -0800 (PST)
From: Robert Corbett
Sender: Robert Corbett
Reply-To: Robert Corbett
Subject: The name of Haiti: more comments
To: Bob Corbett

From: Elizabeth Ritza Vieux

I respect Bellegarde's view point when he says and I quote: Bob: First, there was Ayiti, Quisqueya and Bohio. The Haitians took the > first, the Dominican, the second, and thank God, no one took the third!

But who knows, we could have been better off if the third name 'Bohio' was the actual one chosen for our country Haiti.

If we decompose the word 'haitiens,' phonetically we get 'Hai Siens' = qui hait les siens (One who hates his own)

Isn't it quite a reality in our country, where hatred is like a desease acid that corrodes our country, where one hates the other and usually for no particular reason... it's been like this since the beginning...

I believe that a name can have an important impact or influence on: a person, an animal or why not a country. I heard from my grand mother of a girl whose name meant something like veuve = widow. She got married 3 times, and each time she would lose her husband (by death). This might not be related to her name, but who can say that it was not either...

At least, Bohio means soulier = shoe. 'Shoe' is a necessary footwear. So, it's useful. This is much more positive than Haiti which I see as a negative word.

I'd rather say, Why God, Bohio was only the third name. We went for the first, but in fact, we ended up being the last...


From: ange perrault

>From: P D Bellegarde-Smith
>On January 1st 1804, Jean-Jacques Dessalines and the
>victorious insurgents gave the WHOLE island its ancient name, Hayti.

I have seen old french maps and they spell haiti: AYTI (without the H) Could anyone comment on the spelling of the ancient name?

This is all nice and everything, but why do all geography/history books insist on referring to the island as HISPANOLA (Little Spain)?

Dominicans will never call the island HAITI (why means High Mountains) beside DR is flat, and made of mostly plains.

QUISQUEYA is what they call it, and I think most haitians would approve the name. So it is not WE who keep getting it wrong, it is THOSE who write the history books who refuse to make the change (I don't think I need to elaborate).

PS: Could someone tell me the origin of the word: AFRICA? Since it is not Haiti related, reply to me directly.

>From: P D Bellegarde-Smith
>In the 1930s, I beleive, at the urging of the Dominican government,
>the geographic board that decide on these matters, renamed or named the whole
>island Hispaniola.

No doubt a TRUJILLO campaign of remaining closely associated with Spain and distanting themselves from Haitians, but what about now? How do dominicans feel about calling the island HISPANOLA, or do they prefer QUISQUEYA?

Ronel Perrault, PhD

From: Yacine Khelladi

Toma is the last name of Haiti

ayiti toma

as Robert Corbett or Jhon Doe

Haiti the only country that has a first and a last name

Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 08:27:27 -0800 (PST)
From: Robert Corbett
Subject: ancient names (fwd)
To: Bob Corbett

I have wondered about how the africans of the french period knew so much about the ancient inhabitants. It is said that virtually all of the indians were gone by 1550 or so.

There were not very many slaves imported to the caribean by that time, altho Hugh Thomas (in The Slave Trade) says that africans brought to Santo Domingo encouraged the indians to run away from the spanish settlements. There couldn't have been very many africans there by then tho.

Perhaps early african slaves intermarried with the people of the island? I haven't heard much talk of this.

Haitians do revere the cacique Anacaona. When was she killed? How have these stories become such a part of Haitian mythology?

Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 17:36:19 -0800 (PST)
From: Robert Corbett
Sender: Robert Corbett
Reply-To: Robert Corbett
Subject: Ancient names: several responses
To: Bob Corbett


A recent text which people may find useful in terms of this discussion of names of origins and the mixed heritage (Native, African and European) of the island is Alan Cambeira's __Quisqueya La Bella: The Dominican Republic in Historical and Cultural Perspective__ (M.E. Sharpe, 1997) which discusses both sides of the island in both personal and historical terms...highly readable with many secondary sources cited and listed...A point Alan makes is that it is in fact an error to believe that all Native people were wiped out and that the Native heritage does in fact reveal itself in a number of ways culturally, etc.

Myriam J. A. Chancy
Associate Professor of English
Department of English
P.O. Box 870302
Tempe, AZ 85287-0302


In a message dated 2/2/99 12:57:31 PM, dlyall wrote:

I can imagine four possible options:
1. They made it up.
2. They found this out through research and lectures at the spectacular libraries and academic centers of the various kingdoms before the Spaniards destroyed them.
3. They divined it through their mystical vodou powers.
4. Something happened which the people who killed and opressed both groups did not know about or bother to document for our appreciation.

As Mr. Vedrine has commented: Who writes history, why, and for whom? As I would like to comment: Who knows history and how?

Dahoud André

From: Madison Bell

I can't make any absolute distinctions of fact and mythology on this subject, but here's a bundle of received ideas.

The priest, Las Casas, was influenced by his fondness for the Taino Indians to promote African slavery in Hispaniola, on the idea that the Africans could support slavery better (!) and that the Taino might thus be saved from extermination. If that much is true (it is, I think) then it follows that there would have been some overlap of African and Taino presence under Spanish rule.

During that period (here the distinction between myth and fact may blur) runaway slaves, i.e. mawon yo, had contact with Taino surviving in the mountains. It certainly is possible, if not provable, that some of the last Taino declined to report for extermination and held out in inaccessible locations for longer than generally recognized. And it is true that maroon communities formed around some of the ancient sacred sites of the Taino, such as the caves of Bahoruco.

The idea of a mingling of African and Taino cultures (and bloodlines) in the mountains is an important component of the whole idea of marronage. In this view, the African maroons grafted themselves onto the last roots of the Taino resistance. The cultural fusion extends to Vodu, which is supposed to have some identifiable Taino components (e.g. the asson). I'm sure anthropologists are to be found on every side of that issue, but I've heard it stated as a fact by some of the most reputable.

If this were in fact the situation, then the Taino bloodline would have gradually submerged itself in the African bloodline to the point of invisibility. You can see the late phase of that process today in Dominica, where there is still a tiny Carib reservation. By my eyeball impression, only the oldest members of that community still retain the physical characteristics of their Indian bloodstock one hundred percent. Younger people have an African strain in their appearance and one assumes that in a few more generations the Indian strain will be invisible there too.

What I think myself is that the Taino element of marronage is true at least to some degree and that Haitians do have something of the original inhabitants in them still, in however small a measure.


Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 17:40:33 -0800 (PST)
From: Robert Corbett
Sender: Robert Corbett
Reply-To: Robert Corbett
Subject: Name of Haiti: Perrault replies to several others
To: Bob Corbett

From: ange perrault

>From: P D Bellegarde-Smith
>Dominicans refer to the island as Hispaniola.
>The term Quisqueya comes in as a nickname, and as the
>part of the title of the national anthem. It is used much
>as Borinquen refers to Puerto Rico.
>From: Yacine Khelladi
>England (a part of the UK), has a first name and last name
>(in fact, a >nickname), John Bull. The United
>States has Uncle Sam, and France, Marianne. Other
>countries? The Dominican Republic has Quisqueya, and
>Puerto Rico, Borinquen! P.B.-S.


I did not think I had to elaborate, but noone so far is raising the issue, so I will. QUISQUEYA, HAYTI and BORINQUEN are all original names. Not nickname or last name. The point is by not giving back the original name to the land diminishes the contribution of these inhabitants to our history I quote: Christophe Colon a decouvert Haiti en 1492 .... Only contributions from the europeans that came are recognized, before then there was nothing just a bunch of savages running loose.

>I respectfully beg to differ --the DR has Pico Duarte, which
>is higher than any North American mountain east of the
>Mississipi. There are vast mountainous areas in the north,
>south and east, and all around the central Cibao Valley
>--One of the most important, you will be interested to know,
>is Los Haitises, a range of low mountains in the east where
>there is an ecological preserve.


I did not want to twist the Dominicans hands, but is it fair to say, based on your argument that the name of HAYTI would refer to more than the western 1/3 of the island? So, why don't Dominicans call the island HAYTI or why do they only call QUISQUEYA the eastern 2/3? Why not call the island QUISQEYA na dnot HISPANOLA? Again the first European name is the one that sticks.

>From: Emmanuel W. Vedrine
>Sorry, I thought the word AYITI meant beautiful and
>mountaneous lands
in the Marcorix language (one of the main
>languages of Haiti) spoken by the Arawaks. And AYISYEN
>would be the natives of this particular land. Does the origin
>of the word have some connection with hate or the white
>masters taught Ayisyen or Haitiens to hate each
>other? Were the natives fighting eacher other all the time to
>take control of the land or were the French & Spaniards
>fighting each other all the time to take control of AYITI,

I don't this ayi sien thing should be taken seriously. School children plays the same game over and over. At my school we used to say: ayi-chien (hate dog).

Those are school children plays. You are right, those are inconcious word games of a eurocentric education in haiti without taking into consideration the origin of the word.

Ronel Perrault, PhD

Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 18:56:33 -0800 (PST)
From: Robert Corbett
Subject: Re: ancient names : A reply
To: Bob Corbett

From: JAupont

Looking at an old Histoire D'Haiti text( a 1942 ed.), it mentions the first Black slaves arriving on the island in 1503. This is approximately a year after Nicolas Ovando arrived as the new governor, replacing Bobadilla. As some will remember, this the same Ovando responsible for the treachous death of the Cacique-queen Anacaona. Ovando tricked her into accepting his coming to Leogane to sign a peace treaty or some sort of an agreement. Anyway, after receiving a nice reception from the queen, Ovando placed his hand on the cross he was wearing, at which time his soldiers took captive the queen, bound the indian chiefs to the supporting columns and torched the whole room. Later, in Santo-Domingo, Anacaona was hung publicly.

It appears that the African slaves and the original Haitians both cohabited the island for at least 40 years. Another supporting evidence for this is the story surrounding the Cacique Henri and his autonomy. The text mentions that the Emperor Charles-Quint, worried, wrote to the Cacique Henri requesting a peace agreement. One of the motivations for such a move on the part of the King is that the island was perceived as still being in danger. One of the dangers mentioned was a slave revolt that had already occurred on the habitation of even the Vice-Roi, Don Diego Colomb. The text doesn't mention the exact date, but I'll venture to say that the first slave revolt probably occurred between 1503 and 1510.

If these events happened within the timeframe given here, it would appear that the slave trade had started early enough to have allowed a considerable number of African slaves to have lived and witnessed many of those events before the eventual and complete decimation of the Haitian Arawaks and Caraibes. I wouldn't be surprised though, if the slaves were dragged to the public hanging of the Queen-Cacique Anacanoa just to instill fear and give them a foretaste of the consequences of disobedience of their Spanish masters.

I am of the opinion that slavery was already instituted on the island long before the dissappearance of the native Arawaks and Caraibes. If that's true then these same slaves were eyewitnesses to many of the events that happened on the island. So, naturally, these stories eventually became the basis of much of the myths and folktales that we find today in Haitian folklore.

Jan Opon

Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 14:00:06 -0800 (PST)
From: Robert Corbett
Subject: Reply to Hai Siens
To: Bob Corbett

From: Concerned Haitians League/Asanblaj Ayisyen Konsene

> ... If we decompose the word 'haitiens,' phonetically we
> get 'Hai Siens' qui hait les siens (One who hates his own)
> Isn't it quite a reality in our country, where hatred is
> like a desease acid that corrodes our country, where one
> hates the other and usually for no particular reason...
> it's been like this since the beginning...
> I believe that a name can have an important impact or
> influence ....

Dear all,

This is in response to the erroneous breakdown of the word Haitiens into Hai Siens and the negative association of such breakdown. The Concerned Haitian League, in its concern to educate all (including ourselves), considers it an imperative to point out any attempt to diminish the dignity of our nation.

Ayiti as used by the native inhabitants -- at the time of the arrival of the Europeans -- meant mountainous land. The decision of our forefathers in 1804 to revert to Ayiti from the French name Saint-Domingue signified that we Haitians claimed back the land that was taken from the original inhabitants and on which we were forced to toil. From this accepted origin of the name of Haiti, I do not see how a superposition of a breakdown of Haitiens as Hai Siens could have any linguistic significance and psychological validity.

Yet the breakdown above seems to convey the intention to characterize all Haitians as mean-spirited, hateful beings. Having been a victim of ethnic stereotypes (and having been trained as a linguist), I must stress that such a breakdown is based on completely false premises. I hope this message will limit the potentially-negative consequences of MIS-analyzing Haitiens as Hai Siens.

Morphologically, Haitiens does not break down into Hai Siens. Such attempt shows a lack of understanding of basic linguistic rules. One must not confuse phonetic breakdown of a word -- the way it is actually realized in the spoken language -- and the spelling of that word -- the way it is represented in writing. The Haitiens->Hai Siens breakdown fails to use the spelling, morphological and phonetic rules of French --- the correct morphological analysis is: Haiti-en-s

Furthermore, the different components of your breakdown, Hai and Siens do not have any meaning in Haitian Creole. Worse yet, the proposed translation (One who hates his own) would be rendered in French by Qui hait les siens or Hair les Haitiens, but definitely not Hai(t) Siens -- a textbook on French grammar would be very helpful to elucidate this point.

Finally, as mentioned by more than one on the list, the origin of the root Haiti in Haitiens could not have anything to do with French since it was the word used by native inhabitants of the Island way before the coming of the French.

Let's try to promote tolerance and love of one another and not perpetuate ill-formed negative stereotypes.


Francois Canal, Coordinator
Concerned Haitian League
Stony Brook Union Building
Room 252
Stony Brook, New York, 11794
Telephone: (516) 632-4131

The power of words ; positive or negative ; which one should you be called.

If Haiti ; the word is a negative term. Why would I ever call you something negative? I would not, but my enemy would.

Deu-28:37 And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither the Lord shall lead thee.

Carl Winbush

Carl Winbush When we allow others to define our existence ; the out come will never be equal or justified. What does the word " Haiti" mean??? They look just like me....

Tue at 9:42am · ·

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I wish there was a magic word, to take the pain away.
A word that would make a person change the evilness of there ways.
My Lord they do not fear you.
My Love they do not know you.
What is the Word?

1. The kingdom of heaven is within you; and whosoever shall know himself shall find it.
2. The best and shortest road towards knowledge of truth [is] Nature.
3. For every joy there is a price to be paid.
4. If his heart rules him, his conscience will soon take the place of the rod.
5. What you are doing does not matter so much as what you are learning from doing it. So It is better not to know and to know that one does not know ,than presumptuously to attribute some random meaning to symbols.
6. If you search for the laws of harmony, you will find knowledge.
7. If you are searching for a Nether, observe Nature!
8. Exuberance is a good stimulus towards action, but the inner light grows in silence and concentration.
9. Not the greatest Master can go even one step for his disciple; in himself he must experience each stage of developing consciousness. Therefore he will know nothing for which he is not ripe.
10. The body is the house of God. That is why it is said, "Man know thyself."
11. True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it is an awakening of consciousness which goes through successive stages.
12. The man who knows how to lead one of his brothers towards what he has known may one day be saved by that very brother.
13. People bring about their own undoing through their tongues.
14. If one tries to navigate unknown waters one runs the risk of shipwreck. Leave him in error who loves his error.
15. Every man is rich in excuses to safeguard his prejudices, his instincts, and his opinions.
16. To know means to record in one's memory; but to understand means to blend with the thing and to assimilate it oneself.
17. There are two kinds of error: blind credulity and piecemeal criticism.
18. Never believe a word without putting its truth to the test; discernment does not grow in laziness; and this faculty of discernment is indispensable to the Seeker. Sound skepticism is the necessary condition for good discernment; but piecemeal criticism is an error.
19. Love is one thing, knowledge is another.
20. True sages are those who give what they have, without meanness and without secret!
21. An answer brings no illumination unless the question has matured to a point where it gives rise to this answer which thus becomes its fruit.
22. Therefore learn how to put a question.
23. What reveals itself to me ceases to be mysterious for me alone: if I unveil it to anyone else, he hears mere words which betray the living sense: Profanation, but never revelation.
24. The first concerning the 'secrets': all cognition comes from inside; we are therefore initiated only by ourselves, but the Master gives the keys.
25. The second concerning the 'way': the seeker has need of a Master to guide him and lift him up when he falls, to lead him back to the right way when he strays.
26. Understanding develops by degrees.
27. As to deserving, know that the gift of Heaven is free; this gift of Knowledge is so great that no effort whatever could hope to 'deserve' it.
28. If the Master teaches what is error, the disciple's submission is slavery; if he teaches truth, this submission is ennoblement.
29. There grows no wheat where there is no grain.
30. The only thing that is humiliating is helplessness.
31. An answer if profitable in proportion to the intensity of the quest.
32. Listen to your conviction, even if they seem absurd to your reason.
33. Know the world in yourself. Never look for yourself in the world, for this would be to project your illusion.
34. To teach one must know the nature of those whom one is teaching. In every vital activity it is the path that matters.
35. The way of knowledge is narrow.
36. Each truth you learn will be, for you, as new as if it had never been written.
37. The only active force that arises out of possession is fear of losing the object of possession.
38. If you defy an enemy by doubting his courage you double it.
39. The nut doesn't reveal the tree it contains. For knowledge ... you should know that peace is an indispensable condition of getting it.
40. The first thing necessary in teaching is a master; the second is a pupil capable of carrying on the tradition.
41. Peace is the fruit of activity, not of sleep.
42. Envious greed must govern to possess and ambition must possess to govern.
43. When the governing class isn't chosen for quality it is chosen for material wealth: this always means decadence, the lowest stage a society can reach.
44. Two tendencies govern human choice and effort, the search after quantity and the search after quality. They classify mankind. Some follow Maat, others seek the way of animal instinct.
45. Qualities of a moral order are measured by deeds.
46. One foot isn't enough to walk with.
47. Our senses serve to affirm, not to know.
48. We mustn't confuse mastery with mimicry, knowledge with superstitious ignorance.
49. Physical consciousness is indispensable for the achievement of knowledge.
50. A man can't be judge of his neighbor's intelligence. His own vital experience is never his neighbor's.
51. No discussion can throw light if it wanders from the real point.
52. Your body is the temple of knowledge.
53. Experience will show you, a Master can only point the way.
54. A house has the character of the man who lives in it.
55. All organs work together in the functioning of the whole.
56. A man's heart is his own Nether.
57. A pupil may show you by his own efforts how much he deserves to learn from you.
58. Routine and prejudice distort vision. Each man thinks his own horizon is the limit of the world.
59. You will free yourself when you learn to be neutral and follow the instructions of your heart without letting things perturb you. This is the way of Maat.
60. Judge by cause, not by effect.
61. Growth in consciousness doesn't depend on the will of the intellect or its possibilities but on the intensity of the inner urge.
62. Every man must act in the rhythm of his time ... such is wisdom.
63. Men need images. Lacking them they invent idols. Better then to found the images on realities that lead the true seeker to the source. Maat, who links universal to terrestrial, the divine with the human is incomprehensible to the cerebral intelligence.
64. Have the wisdom to abandon the values of a time that has passed and pick out the constituents of the future. An environment must be suited to the age and men to their environment.
65. Everyone finds himself in the world where he belongs. The essential thing is to have a fixed point from which to check its reality now and then. Always watch and follow nature.
66. A phenomenon always arises from the interaction of complementaries. If you want something look for the complement that will elicit it. Set causes Horus. Horus redeems Set.
67. All seed answer light, but the color is different. The plant reveals what is in the seed.
68. Popular beliefs on essential matters must be examined in order to discover the original thought.
69. It is the passive resistance from the helm that steers the boat. The key to all problems is the problem of consciousness.
70. Man must learn to increase his sense of responsibility and of the fact that everything he does will have its consequences.
71. If you would build something solid, don't work with wind: always look for a fixed point, something you know that is stable ... yourself.
72. If you would know yourself, take yourself as starting point and go back to its source; your beginning will disclose your end.
73. Images are nearer reality than cold definitions. Seek peacefully, you will find.
74. Organization is impossible unless those who know the laws of harmony lay the foundation.
75. It is no use whatever preaching Wisdom to men: you must inject it into their blood.
76. Knowledge is consciousness of reality. Reality is the sum of the laws that govern nature and of the causes from which they flow.
77. Social good is what brings peace to family and society.
78. Knowledge is not necessarily wisdom.
79. By knowing one reaches belief. By doing one gains conviction. When you know, dare.
80. Altruism is the mark of a superior being.
81. All is within yourself. Know your most inward self and look for what corresponds with it in nature.
82. The seed cannot sprout upwards without simultaneously sending roots into the ground.
83. The seed includes all the possibilities of the tree. ... The seed will develop these possibilities, however, only if it receives corresponding energies from the sky.
84. Grain must return to the earth, die, and decompose for new growth to begin.
85. Man, know thyself ... and thou shalt know the gods.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3, 2010

@Autum Ashante'
"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words.
If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must
use the words. "STAY AWAKE PEOPLE!!!!

Mark 8:24 And he looked up, and said, I see man as trees, walking.
Were is the comparison;
Hosea 14:8 Ephraim shall say, What have I to do with idols? I have heard him, and observed him : I am like a green fir tree. From me is thy fruit found.
A fir tree; a crpress tree ; the same tree that they us for Christmas.
What does this kind of tree represent or what kind of poeple does this tree represent. Lets see now; it's stands tall, it's very fertile, and the seeds are many, and dark in color; so when they ceremoniously cut them out of the mother earth, and dressed them up in nice bright, and shinny color's ; what is that all about? Some times I feel like a motherless child! Oh Africa!

Matthew 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit ; but the corrupt tree bringeth
forth evil fruit.

Rev. 2:7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

Proverb 3: 13-35 ; - 3:16 Length of days is in her right hand ; and in her left hand riches and
17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace.
18 She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her : and happy is
every one that retaineth her.
That is the Goddess .
Now I see , whenever I read Matthew 26: 1-13 Verily I say unto you,
Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall
also this , that this women has done, be a memorial of her.
Who honors this request of Jesus? A memorial of her, as gospel throughout the whole world